Monday, February 26, 2007

Carnival 2K7

Pulse 8 2k7: Cocktails

Riddim on d Road!!!....Carnival 2007 was the best carnival ever...and I do mean my band Pulse 8 was one of the smaller bands...about 1000 masqueraders....but we had a bout lime!!!! I must admit I was a bit skeptical at first bout the band as it was a "new" band...but they obviously maintained the Poison infrastructure...i.e. security, music, drinks, food etc. So all in all they had the big tings covered...and were well organised so props to the Pulse 8 crew...good job!!!....and I cyah forget the Jumbie Dance!!!

This one was originated by Oscar B (not Machel) and was a 3-stage Jumbie dance, which required the entire section to face the judges/crowd and then Jumbie 1(right shoulder dip and step forward), Jumbie 2(both arms outstretched zombie-style and head bob to the right) and Jumbie 3(jump up with arms at your side a la Shadow) seen on TV...(so I heard as I was in d band of course and unfortunately I still recovering....hehehe....)

Mai Tai


Blue Lagoon

Feedback from the road (masqueraders and non-masqueraders):
Trinirevellers : Boss as usual...big band....placed 2nd overall
Tribe : one of the biggest and best...some route issues...kept running into Island People
Island People : again one of the biggest...some costumes were a bit too "Rio" for spectators...obviously I disagree!!!....too many stormers...
Harts : very organised as usual...stayed away from the main judging venues...
Legacy : strong man crew a hit with d ladies...placed 3rd overall

Monday, February 12, 2007

People the pace is about to begin!!!....all those who too tired to lime and then go to work the next day...are not ready!!!! bull and NO the potion to keep you going fete afta fete!!!!...

Now, I wasn't there but ah hear AC5 was da bomb!...Meh boy CoboJack say Machel is a boss!!! too was the production by Peter Minshall...i could only imagine...

But apparently, some people find the concert was too "big" I doh understand dat...if yuh go NYC to see Jay-Z between 50,000 to 60,000 why machel concert cyah have 25,000 to 30,000? maybe yuh was expecting it to be like Jazz festival...ultra-exclusive and only a few people can afford it...but get real...machel had no competition on Saturday Brass wot yuh tink whudda happen?....

Well love him or hate him, I glad the event come off without any major big up to Machel and crew...finally gettin it right at AC5...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

In the Beginning...

Well as time draws near for Carnival 2007 I feel like I have to join in the fun...I get ah inspiration from all dem bloggers who sharing they carnival stories and helpful tips for carnival survival. Also meh brethren, Spinn Jumbie get bite from the blogging I go try ah ting...

My carnival story begins in 2004...the first time i play mas since...I cyah remember...I get hook agen...from steelband semis to monday and tuesday on the was pace...can't stop, won't stop...i playin mas every year since so yuh boy on the road agen in 2007.

I in Pulse 8...pulse who?...yea Pulse 8...the "best" 8 sections from Poison...or as somebody who playin in a another band (a former Poison section by the said...the Poison "dregs"....

Anyway, The run-up to carnival kick off the week before carnival with liming every night...who say lime?
This year the lineup is:
Monday-Mardi Gras
Tuesday-Eyes Wide Shut
Wednesday-Bacchanal Wednesday
Thursday-TRIBE Carnival Thursday
Friday-Girl Power
Mon & Tues-On d road!!!!

Now the Rules of the Road are:
1. No Stopping to rest, chill out, hide from the sun, pace!!!!
2. If yuh doh have a costume, yuh cyah play mas (for all the stormers, who find they have a right to jump up in the band...MOVE!!!!)
3. Yuh cyah stay in yuh section whole is mandatory that yuh take a tour...of at least your band...advanced carnivalists can explore more than one band...(I managed to jump thru Tribe, Poison and Island People last year!!!...yea it was dat kinda party)
4. for the ladies, if yuh see ah man limin' with his gyul...pls doh wine up on him...dis is a very important rule as I can personally testify to the blowout the offending winer gyul will get.
5. for the fellas, because a gyul let yuh take a wine, doh feel she in please move have some thirst men who does wine on a young lady and get carried away...afta 2 songs is too much...ladies if he still stickin yuh know what to do...hug up a girl friend and start to wine....he shud get the picture....if he doesn' SECURITY!!!!
6. If yuh drinkin...doh drive...nuff said (since i stop drinkin 2 years ago...I is everybody best friend)...
7. Finally, if yuh doh like carnival, I cyah blame yuh is genetics...yuh born so....enjoy the beach or watchin it on TV and stop hatin'....i said stop hatin'... on the skimpy costumes, and the jump and wave music, and every other reason (too many to include here) why our carnival is the BEST!!!!!!